President's Message February 2024
Published on February 3, 2024
Education is one of OAHI’s keys. It’s what makes us better home inspectors. But it’s not just the technical part of training, it’s the camaraderie, the networking, and the support.
When we all connect at the OAHI Winter Workshop, or perhaps the Pool Inspection Course, the OBC courses and the Defect Recognition and Reporting Course, or any of the other courses OAHI offers, we build a better profession and can refer each other for more business opportunities. See the "Build Your Business Tip" below for more information.
So many times, I have done home inspections because another home inspector got to know me through my work on the OAHI board of directors, participation in OAHI in-person training, and volunteering with the association. And I have done the same for other OAHI members. We help each other.
When I see you connecting with your peers, taking courses, engaging in class, and participating in committees, I, like my colleagues make mental notes: I can’t do this pool inspection this week, but Robin Hood made a good impression during the course, so maybe they’re available for the job, and so on.
We help each other. But we have to know who you are. We get to know you in courses and in meetings.
And let’s face it, being self-employed can be lonely sometimes. That’s why it’s so important to participate in-person OAHI events, beyond getting your continuing education units (CEUs) and upgrading your membership.
We can also offer tips on home inspection software, which insurance companies to consider, tools to use (and how to handle them when they are finicky), navigating down time (ugh), and venting over those what were they thinking moments, how to upgrade, and those how do you keep going times (hopefully they are few and far between), and so much more.
We are here for you. Connect with us. Connect with each other.
PS: Check out my appearance in the latest edition of Real Estate Institute of Canada Exchange magazine and on Rogers TV Durham.
Andrew Dixon, RHI
Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI)